“And wherever the friars may be together or come upon any of their brethren, let them show by their behaviour toward one another that they are all of one family. And if one of them is in need, he should in full freedom and trust make known that need to the other. For if a mother has such care and love for the child born of her flesh, how much more love and care must not one have for him who is his brother according to the Spirit? And if any of them becomes sick, the other friars are to take that care of him which they would wish to have themselves.”
(Later Rule, chapter 6)
Let us pray to God Most High, who is Jesus Christ wished to unite all people in a single community of salvation, to grant that we His disciples may bear witness to unity and fraternity in our time.
Blessed are you, O Lord.
Loving Father, you sent your Only Begotten Son to redeem and save all humanity.
Blessed are you, O Lord.
You gave us your Spirit and you gather us into fraternities to live the holy Gospel.
Blessed are you, O Lord.
You wish all people to be members of your family; you dispense gifts and talents and call all to the unity of one body.
Blessed are you, O Lord.
Grant, O merciful Father, that we Friars Minor may live in this world as brothers to all men and women and to every creature. By word and example help us to witness to all that you are the source and life of all things and that Jesus Christ is your Only Son and our brother and Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for a Spirit of Minority
O God, Father of Mercy, give us the spirit of love, the spirit of Your Son. Give us eyes to see the needs and sufferings of our brothers and sisters; fill us with the light of your word so that we might comfort the tired and oppressed; help us to be faithful in service to the poor and suffering. May Your Church be a living witness to truth and liberty, to justice and peace, so that all people might be open to the hope of a new world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Portiuncula
Mary, Mother of our brother and Lord,
Jesus Christ, poor and crucified,
Mother of our family, Mother of the poor,
hear the humble and trusting prayer we address to you today.
Many peoples lack material bread and spiritual bread in our day;
the bread of truth and of love is lacking in many minds and hearts;
the bread of the word and the bread of the Lord is lacking among many.
Uproot from the hearts of many men and women
the egoism which impoverishes.
May all the peoples of the world accept the true Light
and walk the paths of Peace and Justice
in mutual respect and in a solidarity
rooted in the humanity of our God.
Our Lady of the Portiuncula,
give light to our hope, purify our hearts,
be with us on the paths of evangelisation,
towards a world becoming more just and more free for everyone.
(Hermann Schalück OFM, Minister General,1991-1997)
Heavenly Father, with an open heart we pray for the growth of our religious family. We ask that dedicated friars may be added to our number to do your work and to establish your will in the world today. For Jesus, discipleship meant to come and see, to experience a new life with Him. So too, make our own lives a living testimony to the Franciscan spirit and give us the grace to live with a dedication and zeal that will inspire the young people whose paths we cross in life.
Deepen our own love for the Franciscan Order to which you have called us, so that we may truly desire to share its life with others. Above all, just as you taught our Father Francis what he must do, now teach us as well. We ask this in the Name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen.